# Handling Assets
While you can just use your own app setup and move along with its build system, Valisette provides its own app structure out of the box.
# JS Files
Javascript Files are located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}
# Main
Your Main App File (or entry) is ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/main.js
by default.
If you need to build multiple apps you can create other files there and declare them in JS_ENTRIES
It's where all your application is supposed to be built from. Whether it's a single animation script of an Business-Scale Vue App. It is separated from your Vue code and therefore should be considered as your Main file.
It is also where you're supposed to call your corresponding SCSS entry file from so that Webpack can turn it into a module and compile it down to CSS.
We've added a collection of utilies and performance oriented code in the module folder by default to boot your productivity.
Feel free to use them ! 🎉
# Modules
Javascript Modules that need to be executed outside your Vue Application should be store in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/modules
. This ensures you to keep a clean SoC.
# Service Worker
Service Worker API allows to perform a lot of modern task such as offline caching, push notifications, events handling and so on. It's also a way to use a new Thread for resources heavy operations. It works only in HTTPS.
# SW control file
The SW control file allows to control interactions between your app and its service worker it's call sw.js
by default and located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}
. It will also make use of the appcache
folder inside your ${PUBLIC_PATH}
# SW Initialization
Your service worker need to be called at the top of your Main and boot with these lines of code :
import * as OfflinePluginRuntime from 'offline-plugin/runtime';
It is based on Webpack 4 OfflinePlugin.
# VueJS Files
Javascript Files are located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app
Folder. It's meant to separate Vue code from Plain Javascript code and keep a clean SoC.
# Vue App Main
Your Vue Main is where you boot your app. We made it in a way to be able to call it when we need it by larger code base instead of running it like an SPA the way most boilerplate are made. It is located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app
and called index.js
by default.
It binds all your Vue code together in a single app. You may refer to standard VueJS Documentation to use it.
# Application State (Vuex)
This section explains where your Vue application state is managed by Vuex, its code located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/state/store.js
You can use Vuex Official Documentation to configure it.
Valisette sets a couple of things by convention to keep a clean SoC :
- State is never global, it's always a module.
- Modules are namespaced.
- Modules are composed of actions that are the core of their logic.
- If a Module needs a lot of logic, extract its functions into a separate file called
that you will import as a module. - Actions can dispatch other actions and perform asynchronous tasks.
- Actions never set the state, Mutations do.
- Mutations always modify a single state key.
- Getters always return a single state key.
- Getters never perform complex transformation on a state key value, application logic does with computed properties and watchers.
- Actions, Getters, Mutations and State are always separated and returned by the state file.
If you have problem naming your functions remember to read the documentation inside the boilerplate code to help you.
# Application Router (Vue-router)
This section explains where your Vue application routing is managed by Vue-router, its code is located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/router/index.js
You can use Vue-router Official Documentation to configure it.
Valisette sets a couple of things by convention to keep a clean SoC :
- Your routes are in written in ````${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/router/routes.js``.
- All routes are asynchronous to allow code splitting.
- Always code a 404 page.
- If a route contains multiple subroutes
- Middlewares are always registered from
. - Middlewares are always imported from their own folder just like the example from Valisette's default setup
Vue router is called in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/App.vue
and mounted by your Vue App Main (see above).
# Vue-i18n
This section explains where your Vue application languages is managed by Vuei18n, its code is located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/i18n/index.js
You can use Vuei18n Official Documentation to configure it.
Valisette sets a couple of things by convention to keep a clean SoC :
- Languages are always loaded asynchronously to lighten main bundle's size.
- Languages files are always names
and stored in${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/i18n/languages/
. This is quite important as it allows Valisette to bundle your languages in a way they can be auto declared and imported with zero conf by your build system.
# Vue Templates
This section explains where your Vue application templates are store, its code is located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${JS_PATH}/vue-app/views/
Valisette sets a couple of things by convention to keep a clean SoC :
- Each Layout is named in PascalCase. A Layout is a distinctive part of UI in an application.
- Each route that serves a new Layout needs a subfolder in
Home.vue ≠ Dashboard.vue ≠ Auth.vue
Each one needs a sub-folder so you'll create :
- If a Layout needs a subLayout specific to itself, it will be placed in the same folder and name in snakeCase.
| views/
--| home/
----| Home.vue
----| subNav.vue
----| loginForm.vue
--| dashboard/
----| Dashboard.vue
----| visitStatistics.vue
----| loginForm.vue
- All transversal components that could be called on multiple Layout or subLayouts should store in the includes folder in
# SCSS Files
Javascript Files are located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${SCSS_PATH}
Folder. Your Main is called main.scss
by default. All other SCSS files should be stored in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${SCSS_PATH}/modules
Valisette sets a couple of things by convention to keep a clean SoC :
- Your Main does not contain CSS code only imports
- All your variables are stored in
- All your global styles are stored in
- Each Layout has its own scss file in
- Each Layout File should be scoped by a tag to avoid conflicts
- Always follow a naming convention like BEM or Atomic
# SPA Template File
The SPA Template is located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/
Folder, by default it's called index.ejs
otherwise it's named after HTML_TEMPLATE
If you need to use an index.html and/or want to generate one :
- turn on
. - run
yarn run generate
# Static HTML File
You can put Static HTML files anywhere inside ${PUBLIC_PATH}
. If you need to use an index.html and/or want to generate one :
- turn off
. - run
yarn run generate
# Images
Images Files are located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${IMAGES_PATH}
You can store assets any way you like but using imgmin
command will export compressed images to ${PUBLIC_PATH}/${IMAGES_PATH}
and flatten the directory structure to fasten file access in production.
# Fonts
Images Files are located in ${ASSETS_PATH}/${FONTS}
Folder. By default, there are none copied over your file system.